A diversity of educations and experience is also a way of recreating wholeness





I'm an artist working with fine art and art therapy tools at Bergslagen atelie, Vintersjön, Sweden.

I live and work at the same lake settlement as my Sami people on grandmothers side has done since centuries back.

Masters in psychology and in information science as well as art studies has brought me an investigative approach opened to constructive magical thinking.


A selection of educations:

Örebro Art school, Örebro, 2 years basic art education 

Örebro University, Örebro, Sociology degree with a master's degree in psychology

Örebro Municipality, Örebro, Internal training as a family therapist 

Borås University, Borås, Library degree with a masters' degree in information science 


A selection of assignments:

 Art teacher at upper secondary school and for leisure course  activities

Cultural writer, reviewer and authorised film critic for the newspaper Örebro Kuriren

Libraries and cultural development for upper secondary schools 

International coordinator and process leader for the upper secondary schools 

Image therapist and curator in primary school 


Some ongoing assignments:

Researcher at International Society for Academic Research on Shamanism (ISARS)

Healer, my own art therapy program developed In collaboration with 3 shamans from indigenous people 


A selection of group exhibitions:

Holmhällar kursgård, Gotland, 2001

Visby konstskola, Gotland 2002

Galleri 19, Örebrogruppens salong, Örebro 2006

Heavens door café och galleri, Örebro 2014

Filipstads kommun, konstrundan, Filipstad 2016

Galleries and other art sites on internet.


A selection  of solo exhibitions:

Wadköpingsrummet, "Stigfinnare", Örebro 2001

Galleri 19, "Vägvisare", Örebro 2004

Galleri 19, "Tecken", Örebro 2011

Etnographic musem, "Voices", Warsava 2011

Sultans konditori med galleri, "Naturligt samspel", Vingåker 2016

Långbans gruvby - receptionen, liten sommarutställning, Långban 2017

Vietnam museum of Ethnology, "Northgoing wells as actors for shamanistic treatment", Hanoi 2017

Galleri Vuokkos, "Naturliga väsen", Kaskö, Finland 2018

Museet Kvarnen, konstgalleri, Filipstad 2019


A selection of field work and projects:

Was awarded Margot Lamm Scholarship and studied the survival of minority's culture in the United States at Haskell Indian  University, Lawrence, with field work at the Shoshoni Nation in Fort Washakie, the Lakota Nation in Standing Rock and the Crow Nation in Hardin, Montana, 1994.

"The circle as a concept to attain spiritual energy", Örebro universitet and Alaska university, Anchorage 2007-2010

"The mythology of trees" leader of a development project between forestry schools in Sverige, Finland, Österrike, Frankrike och Rumänien 2005-2007.

"Comparisons between shamanism and other healing culture", Guiyang university, Kina 2013

"Northgoing wells as actors for shamanistic treatment" 2015-2017. Exhibition and lecture at Hanoi etnografiska museum, Vietnam 2017. See reference above.

"What happens if the map is allowed to choose?" Sketches from randomly selected forest areas in the surrounding forests of Vintersjön in Värmland, Sweden 2018.


Books written by Agneta:

"The mythology of trees, References", Örebro Kommun 2008

"The circle as a concept to attain spiritual energy", Institute of Ethnology, Budapest 2010








Välkommen till agnetanyqvist.n.nu.


Kommande utställningar för år 2024:


Konstrundan i Filipstads kommun 25-26  maj kl. 11-17 vid Vintersjöbryggan 1, Filipstad


Samlingsutställning 14 juli-6 augusti kl 11-15 i Victoriasalen, Loka brunn. Vernissage:  15 juli kl 15.00.



